Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course

The Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) Course prepares students to successfully complete the End of Course Written Examination, approved and recognized by the APA. This examination is only required for those seeking to become PCSOT certified with the American Polygraph Association (APA). The course will consist of a minimum of 40 hours of specialized instruction approved by the APA. The course will review various types of PCSOT examinations, including Instant Offense, Instant Offense Investigative, Prior Allegation, Sexual History I, Sexual History II, Maintenance, and Monitoring Examinations. The course will also include a review of the containment approach, victimology, deviant behavior and treatment for sex offenses, the APA's model PCSOT policy, the APA's & ASTM's standards of practice pertaining to PCSOT testing, and proper test question construction for PCSOT testing.

Law enforcement examiners in particular benefit from this course because the specialized instruction covers a wide range of sex crimes. Whether law enforcement examiners conduct pre-employment, criminal, or internal affairs examinations, they will be prepared to properly interview and test this unique set of crimes. This course also prepares law enforcement examiners who are preparing for leadership positions in law enforcement where they might be required to supervise any or all of the following departments: polygraph, forensics, major crimes, sex crimes, field investigations, human resources and recruitment, or internal affairs programs and personnel.

The course also qualifies for continuing education credits (units) for those who are already PCSOT certified.

Provides 40 CEH

Dates Location Cost
March 17 - 21, 2025 Cape Coral, FL $ 750.00 Register
July 14 - 18, 2025 Lakeland, FL $ 750.00 Register
March 16 - 20, 2026 Lakeland, FL $ 750.00 Register
July 20 - 24, 2026 Lakeland, FL $ 750.00 Register